
About Me

Hi, I’m Will.  I live with my wife and two 4-pound chihuahuas in Los Angeles.  I like basketball, food, and using dick jokes to give you a new perspective on life.  I have the occasional Generalized Anxiety, constant crippling self-awareness, and a worse attention span than my chihuahua.

So the imaginary you I just made up is totally right. I’m not the most conventionally qualified dude to give you life advice. I don’t have a lot of friends, or money, I don’t have my dream job, and well, I’m responsible for these articles. Plus I can’t ride a bike, eat iceberg lettuce, or read anything for more than 20 seconds at a time.

I’ve got plenty of my own problems. I’m a mess just like you.

You know how sometimes you’ll see someone’s face and feel like you know their story?  You know how you’ll see one action, and think you…


Time is the only truly finite resource in your life.  Despite this, we treat time like garbage.  We throw it away by the truckload.  Some of us even try to “kill” time…

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